Articles - Soul Winner Marty Rochfort Christian Evangelist en Preaching The Law Wed, 16 Jan 2013 01:54:42 GMT (Webmaster) THE LAW- To Preach or not or to Preach… that is the QUESTION!!! Okay, now that I’ve got your attention I want to share some observations in regard to how Gods Law is “used” in faith- sharing and preaching by some individuals, and offer insight as to how the law can be better used for maximum impact. I want to say from the outset; I have been using the Law in witnessing since 1995. I am grateful to men like Ray Comfort who have re-introduced the Law to the Church and taught us how to use it. My hope, my prayer, and only reason for writing this is that those reading will be inspired to become better soul-winners and preachers of Gods Word.

A School-Master not a Softball Bat

For too many years I have seen preachers use the law in an arrogant mocking way. It appeared to me that some of these people were more intent on, “paying back the world” than seeing it won to Christ. People like this have issues with low self- esteem, issues with control and unforgiveness; they should not use such a powerful witnessing “tool” till they’ve dealt with these issues. Because how you say something is as important as what you say a thing, I cannot stress enough how important it is to be courteous and respectful when witnessing to someone-this is especially true when using the law. How we say something can be the difference between it being accepted or rejected; received well and not received well. We’ve all heard stories of people who have had news of the death of a loved one “dumped” on them- this only added to the pain. In contrast others have heard the same kind of news from a compassionate stranger (a policeman or a doctor perhaps), they remark, often years later how considerate and caring that person was, and they remember every word the person said to them.

When we present the Law we are not always talking to hardened junkies, drug dealers, gang members or criminals. Oftentimes we are talking to genuine, caring and compassionate people. We need to be aware we are in essence telling these people they have failed. Their good works (some done for the right reasons) are as filthy rags to God, and worse - they’re going to hell. When sharing the law; because the verbal communication is so strong the non-verbal communication (body language) needs to be conveying concern for the person. Please understand I am not talking about “faking it,” if you don’t have a genuine love for the lost then don’t use the law-it was (is) the “schoolmaster to bring us to Christ”(Galatians 3:24) not a softball bat to beat people with.

Should I share the law with everyone?

The answer is NO- evangelism is not a “one size fits all affair,” besides some don’t need it, in fact, it could do more harm than good. I am point in case, before I came to Christ I was aware of my sin, sick of it, and I only needed to be told the way out. The truth is the law is most powerful when shared in a background of “CHRISTIAN CONTEXT.” According to the Oxford Dictionary Context is the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. In evangelism, this context has more to do with goodwill garnered through good-works, positive community involvement as well as faith sharing. In short the law is best received in a community that has a positive view of the Church.

I know an evangelist that targeted an area of a city in New Zealand 8- 10 years ago. The evangelist presented a scripted or “canned” Gospel presentation that used the Ten Commandments as the basis for a very strong Gospel message. The evangelist shared this presentation in a 1000 homes without seeing a single person come to Christ. Someone might say, ‘well, she planted a seed, and you don’t know what has happened since’. While that may be true, I live less than 20 kilometres from that area and I can tell you the churches in that area reported no growth from it. Please believe me when I say “there was nothing wrong with the evangelist or the presentation” the problem was- IT WAS SHARED IN A VACUUM…THERE WAS LITTLE OR NO “CHRISTIAN CONTEXT.”

In contrast I have been using the Law for many years in my mission/church planting trips to the Philippines. I preach the Gospel in schools, in prisons, rehabs, markets, hospitals and barrio’s I have shared the Gospel through healing crusades, open-airs and door to door –you name it, I’ve probably done it. I use a lot of different gospel tools and messages. The one thing I’ll never change, the one thing I do over and over again in the Philippines is…. PRESENT THE LAW- because it works!!!! It works because there is “CHRISTIAN CONTEXT” there.

In 2011 I ministered in Cebu with two evangelist friends of mine. We were there for only 3 weeks; as well as seeing many people join established churches, we planted five new churches in barrios there- What was the key? …THE USE OF THE LAW IN A NATION WITH “CHRISTIAN CONTEXT.” For the Filipino, Christian Context has to with favour garnered by born-again believers as well as 600 years of Catholicism. There has been a strong evangelical Christian presence in the Philippines for years. There are many Christian orphanages, rehabs, schools etc. and Christian pastors and leaders are generally well respected for this reason.

Because of the Catholic influence, Filipino’s have an understanding of creation, the fall, sin, the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross, and the resurrection. YES, they mix Christian doctrine with idol worship, worship of saints, spirit-ism, fetishes, curses, shamanism and other occult practices, but this “mix” of religious belief has made them “fodder” for Gospel preachers that know how to preach the Law to Filipino Catholic’s. I start with the 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th Commandments, the people sometimes laugh and joke and point at each other but when I go to the 1st 2nd and 3rd you could almost hear a pin drop. Concern and fear is written all over their faces. I say, ‘the 1st commandment says “You shall have no other gods before Me or besides Me,” but you worship Mary and even pray to her. You pray to saints, you have patron saints of barrios, and some of you sacrifice to them. The 2nd Commandment says “You shall not make for yourself an idol of any kind” But you make statues and pray to them. Jesus said “call no man Father”; but what do you call your priest? You run to your priest and confess your sins but the Bible says, “There is only one mediator between man and God-the man Jesus Christ.”’ (1Timothy 2:5). I tell them I am not judging them; that I too was brought up Catholic and did the same things. I am simply warning them; they have made themselves an enemy of God. Sometimes I cry when I preach like this, I know I’ve hurt them, but I’m also crying with anticipation and joy because I know most will respond when I preach the Gospel and call for a response. I want everyone reading this to experience this joy.

I think if I could offer some words of advice to those thinking about using the law in evangelism, it would be to check your heart motive first; by all means share and preach the law but make sure doing it for the right reasons. Learn to talk to non-Christians without an agenda or without controlling the conversation. I say this because I know some evangelists (including some top guys) are not truly relational and can’t carry a conversation well without controlling it. These people are usually more comfortable with a scripted or “canned” presentation (like the law) or they just stick to preaching as it allows them to stay aloof. Don’t be like that!!! Grow as a soul-winner, become well rounded. Aloofness is a trait to be overcome not embrace.

My last piece of advice to those preaching or considering preaching the law is ALWAYS REMEMBER the Gospel is, “the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” not the law. Whilst all true evangelists would agree with the truth of this verse, some leave you thinking otherwise because whilst their presentation of the law is polished their Gospel presentation is often much shorter lacking detail (important information) and not followed by an invitation to forsake all and follow Jesus. Please consider what I’ve “said”. Take to heart the words of Paul, Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:5

Marty Rochfort-Dip. Evangelism, B. Theology
