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Evangelism Lectures

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Giving an Appeal

An invitation; a call for salvation; an altar call; calling for a response; an appeal. The invitation to profess faith in Christ Jesus is called many things. The aim of every Gospel preacher should be to bring their hearers to a profession of faith in Christ. Indeed the classic definition of a Christian in Romans 10:9-10 makes it clear that a Christian is someone who professors faith in Jesus as Lord.

Gospel Workshop #1

Guide to Using a Marked New Testament

  • Sharing your testimony is telling others what Jesus has done and is doing in your life. Sharing the Gospel is telling others God’s story as it relates to all of mankind. It explains to the non-Christian how to receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord and provides an opportunity to do so- THIS GOSPEL PRESENTATION USES A POCKET NEW TESTAMENT TO DO THIS.
  • A carefully prepared testimony and a Gospel presentation that utilises God’s Word are powerful and effective tools, for leading persons to Christ.
Gospel Workshop #2

This Workshop is different from Gospel Workshop # 1, there is no need to lecture or read this time. Simply give your students the hand-out and have them study each method one at a time and practise it with another student.

How to Bring in the Harvest

Very few churches, evangelists or church-planters have an evangelism strategy. Many well- meaning Christians believe if they faithfully and consistently preach the Gospel every day they will get results– but without a strategy the results will be minimal at best.

  • Others have substituted evangelism tools for a strategy. The “mass” use of one or two evangelism tools is not a strategy.
  • According to the Oxford Dictionary a tool is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
  • On the other hand (pardon the pun) a Strategy is 1.a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim 2.the art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
  • BROTHERS AND SISTERS we are engaged in a war for the souls of men. We need to be strategic. In evangelism, a strategy is the “framework” in which tools are used. Even the best evangelism tools have limited impact without a good strategy.
  • Moses and Aaron had a tool- a rod, but God gave them the strategy for its use. With a rod they produced plagues, parted a sea, won battles, and freed a nation.
  • By all means, use what’s in your hand but do it in the context of a GOD BREATHED EVANGELISM STRATEGY.
  • Is there such a thing as a Biblical Evangelism Strategy? YES!!!
  • On two occasions, JESUS THE MASTER EVANGELIST taught His disciples an evangelism strategy. The first (Matt 10:1-14; Luke 9:1-6) was when he sent out the 12; the other when Jesus sent out the 70 (Luke 10:1-9). On both occasions Jesus gave an almost identical STRATEGY.
  • Many have missed seeing these passages of scripture for what they were or dismissed these them as culturally irrelevant or out-dated (NEVER); They need only be contextualized – adapted to apply to a different time and culture.
  • SO WHAT IS THIS STRATEGY? Let’s look at Luke 10:1-9
How to Present Gods Law


This teaching is not supposed to be a comprehensive presentation on God’s Law. It is intended to give the basics and offer a few insights to get you started.

Personal Evangelism #1

Jesus was and is a master soul-winner. If you want to be a master soul-winner, you need to follow His example. In my opinion, there is no example better than in John 4:1-42.

  • There we learn how to talk to unbelievers…
  • We learn from Jesus how to engage a person in two- way conversation rather than using a scripted or canned presentation.
  • There are so many evangelism tools out there, but tools come and go- BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES HOWEVER, ARE TIMELESS.
  • The Bible is full of principles for soul-winning; that’s what we truly need to learn.
  • It is okay to use tools; some evangelism tools are very good
  • But the GOOD HAS BECOME THE ENEMY OF BEST when we put our confidence in tools and not in Biblical principles or the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • The good has become the enemy of the best when we haven’t learnt to witness without tools
  • Learning Biblical principles in evangelism can be the difference between making a disciple and just getting a decision.
  • Brothers and Sisters let’s major on the TIMELESS and the ETERNAL. Let’s now learn some Biblical principles to help us bring the lost to Christ. (John 4:1-42)
Personal Evangelism #1 - Contact List

Use this form to list people within your sphere of influence.

Preparing to write your story

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the entire world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Acts 1:8, 9

Seven Power Points about Sharing Your Story

  1. The story of how God became real to you is one of the easiest and most effective ways of introducing a person to Jesus.
  2. Witnesses tell what they’ve seen and heard, therefore our stories must be God-centred, not self- centred.
  3. Remember that we are talking about a person who we are in love with and to whom we owe a great deal.
  4. Our story declares strongly that God is alive; that He is interested in people and that He is able to penetrate their lives and assist them in a supernatural way.
  5. A true witness is soul focused –“A true witness delivers souls.” Proverbs 14:25a
  6. Your story, carefully prepared, given in the power of the Holy Spirit, is a vital and powerful tool that no one can deny and can often communicate more effectively than any other form of witnessing.
  7. A careful thought through and prepared testimony empowered by the Holy Spirit can be of immediate and effective use in nearly every witnessing situation.
Resources > Evangelism Lectures / The Real Deal Bible Study / Gospel Messages


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